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Traveling to Mexico by plane is not the only way to get to Mexico. In fact, many people prefer to drive to Mexico so that they can take in all of the beautiful scenery that the cou...
There is a common assumption among United States citizens that their Medicare health insurance policy will cover them while they are traveling and/or living abroad. This assumption...
Take heed of our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding yachting and boating. These answers come straight from a sailing expert himself!...
Mexican Students win medals Gold, Silver and Bronze “Robochallenge 2015”...
In the weeks following Hurricane Patricia, the communities that were not as severely affected have gone out of their way to help the communities that were in the storm’s path. Peop...
To be able to permanently dock your yacht in Mexico you need to obtain a Temporary Import Permit (TIP)....
More Texan visitors will arrive to Puerto Vallarta with the launch of a new flight....
The International Balloon Festival 2015 will be held from 13 to 16 November 2015. It is the largest aerostatic festival in Latin America and third largest in the Americas....
Whether racing or cruising to Mexico, all boats navigating within Mexican Territorial Waters must carry Vessel Liability Coverage underwritten by a Mexican domiciled insurance comp...
There are many reasons why Mexico has become such a popular home for foreigners across the world....
Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a holiday celebrated throughout Mexico. It is the day that is reserved for honoring the deceased adults...
This article contains up-to-date Chikungunya updates issued from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and will likely be updated more in the future. Besides the updates, this arti...