Many people think that an insurance policy should only be used when an accident occurs, or better, if it is never used. Today insurance companies have added additional benefits to give greater value to their brand. Auto and homeowners policies are a clear example. It is not necessary for a fire, hurricane or a road accident, robbery, or damage to third parties to begin to take advantage of the protection investment that you have been made in purchasing your insurance policy. In case of an accident there are more services included in addition to compensation for direct material damage or for third party liability.
Below are listed some of the assistance services included in these policies; they can be requested by dialing the insurer's 800 claims phone.
Auto Policy Services
Home Room Policies
Contact us and we will gladly review your current insurance policy or if you do not have it, we will design one to suit you.
For more information you can visit us on our page
México Insurance
Or contact us at
México - 322-297-6440
USA / CANADA - 949-274-4111