Robochallenge is a robotics competition designed for those students who are passionate about applied science projects and also for those who are willing to learn new things. The competition is aimed to both beginners and experts, but mostly to robotics enthusiasts. It comes as a follow-up of the theoretical knowledge gained in college, and it is a way for students to do something pleasant and useful based on the theoretical knowledge that they learned.
Robochallenge is a competition organized by the ETTI ROBOCHALLENGE team in collaboration with Liga Studentilor Electronisti from the Faculty of Electronics and it is hosted by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest.
Robochallenge is different from other competitions because it stimulates thinking. The teams receive some regulations, and on that basis they build their own robots from scratch, using components and materials that are easy for them to obtain. Each team has its own vision and special approach and thus, in this way, new surprises appear every year, which shows proof of their inventiveness.
This year, the eighth edition of Robochallenge was held from October 31 to November 1 at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania.
Mexican students from the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Poza Rica, Veracruz, obtained 4 medals in different categories, after facing a total of 198 registered robots in 10 categories, with 80 teams and 280 participants from countries such as Brazil, Turkey, Bulgaria, Rumania and Mexico.
Phoenix Team, which was formed by Mexican students in seventh, ninth and fifth semester of Mechatronics was the winner of the Gold and Silver medals in the Mini Sumo category. The Electronics Team formed by students in fifth and seventh semester of Electronics, Mechatronics and Computer Systems won Gold and Bronze in the Humanoid Robot category.
In the same year Mexico won the first place medal for the seventh edition of Robotchallenge, which it took place in Vienna, Austria
Next December they will participate in the event; All Japan Robot-Sumo Tournament, considered by experts in the world of robotics as the most prestigious international tournament, which will be held in Tokyo, Japan.
This shows that is very important to support students who want to grow and excel globally. No matter what their origin, provided they have a desire to succeed in life.