Many people buy Mexican auto insurance at agent offices in the United States or on their websites, trusting that the insurance company in Mexico will provide the local services needed.
These agents, for the most part, do not hold insurance licenses in Mexico nor do they have service staff in their own offices in Mexico. This leaves their clients to fend for themselves with insurance companies and the authorities in another country at claim time.
The difference between having a licensed agent who can intervene in Mexico at the time of a claim makes all the difference. First, because he knows the local laws, customs and customs of the police, authorities, and adjusters. These simple facts can make the difference
of a claim in Mexico being resolved in less than 24 hours instead of up to several months. At your time of need, that is during a claim, it is very important to have a local and licensed insurance agent to help you through the claims process, which can be much different than in the USA or Canada.
The agent who sold you the policy does not have an insurance license in Mexico
Your agent north of the border in California, Arizona, Texas, Chicago, etc. that sold you a Mexican insurance policy for
your car while in Mexico will include a phone number for the Mexican insurance company to dial in case of an accident. Auto
insurance claims in Mexico are handled differently than the United States and licensed agents in Mexico are trained to help their
clients in Mexico. In addition, laws governing insurance contracts in Mexico are different from the United States. The insurance
agent in Mexico often communicates with adjusters and vehicle repair shops to keep things moving forward. It is very important to
recognize the value of local representation a local and licensed agent in Mexico provides. It is unlikely you would insure the automobile
you are driving in the USA or Canada with an insurance agent located in Mexico so why insure your automobile in Mexico with an agent not
located in Mexico? A locally licensed agent means local service in Mexico – when and where you need it.
A workshop may not have a person who speaks English. The owner of the vehicle, who comes from the United States or Canada, may not speak
Spanish. This is one of the many moments where your agent in Mexico intervenes and can even ask the insurer to assign you another workshop.
It is common in Mexico that due to negligence of the adjusters the cars are seized by authorities. These are some of the scenarios that are
repeated every year in Mexico and why it is important to work with a local and licensed agent.
Adjusters in Mexico must arrive at the scene of the accident.
The first call after an automobile accident in Mexico should be to your insurance company who will dispatch an adjuster to the scene.
However, when you have an accident in Mexico and call your agent in the United States to tell him that you have been waiting for more
than an hour for the adjuster to arrive, there isn’t much he can do for you. Your agent in Mexico has direct communication with the Mexican
insurance company claims personnel and can call on your behalf to get things moving.
At Novamar we have a fully bilingual claims department located in Mexico to support our clients in Mexico.
For more information contact us and we will gladly review your current automobile insurance policy or if you do not have one, we will design one for you.
For more information you can visit us on our Home Page
México Insurance
México - 322-297-6440
USA / CANADA - 949-274-4111