Are you interested in enjoying a unique and exciting experience? If your answer is yes, we invite you to enjoy an event of international stature, wonderful and full of surprises, in one of the most beautiful places in Mexico. This event is called the Festival Internacional de Globo (International Balloon Festival) or FIG which takes place every year in the Metropolitan Park of the city of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.
The International Balloon Festival 2015 will be held from 13 to 16 November 2015. It is the largest aerostatic festival in Latin America and third largest in the Americas, offering the world one of the most beautiful and admired shows in Mexico: a weekend full of fascinating and colorful balloons.
The International Balloon Festival receives more than 400,000 attendees, which is enjoyed by the presence of over 200 balloons, 20 of which have very spectacular forms. It is carried out over 4 days
The Balloon Festival is enriched with multiple organized activities throughout the day such as concerts, competitions, exhibitions and a dining area for the whole family. Participants come to Leon from Germany, Spain, USA, Belgium, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Canada, Mexico and other countries. The festival gives excitement and joy to attendees of all ages who enjoy the integrated family festival.
See the mosaic of a thousand colors and enjoy the beauty of the balloons and leisure activities throughout the day, complemented by the magical nights
The city of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico is the city of the “Globo” as its International Balloon Festival is the largest in Latin America. Come and enjoy this wonderful experience where you will see these giant multicolored balloons fulfill the dream and passion of flying. Don’t miss this great opportunity to enjoy a magical family moment of joy, excitement and wonder in a colorful sky.
The Hot-Air Balloons are comprised of nylon or polyester thermal insulation polyurethane. The covers are driven by a contained air mass, and are lifted off the ground by heating the air mass with burners by the combustion of propane gas, which can reach a temperature of 80-100 degrees. It becomes lighter based on the Archimedes principle of fluid, and uses the air currents to move.